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In Case of Emergency

In an emergency, we ask that you not telephone the school. Phone lines will be needed for emergency communication. The school will use its automated phone calling system to give parents instructions and updated information. Please do not drive to the school. Streets should be as open as possible for emergency vehicles. Tune your radio to any of the local radio stations. Information regarding the incident and instructions for picking up students during or after the emergency will be given over the radio.

The Enterprise Elementary School District plans for, prepares for, and conducts emergency drills for emergency/crisis situations. Our school staff is trained to make certain the students understand emergency procedures. The safety and welfare of the students is our primary concern, especially in the event of an emergency. Personnel are trained in first aid. Your children should obey the directions of their teachers and follow the directions of the bus driver if they are on a bus. If walking or riding a bicycle home, students should continue toward their destination should an emergency situation develop at school.